Saturday, June 21, 2008

Jupiter Square Eris


When planets are named, there seems to be a mysterious and synchronistic (a la Carl Jung) correlation that mirrors its symbolism in the world and our lives. For example, when Uranus was discovered, there was also the discovery of electricity and the French and American Revolutions, both of which deeply connect into the Uranian archetype and forever changed our lives. With Pluto’s discovery, the world fairly soon was in World Wars, atomic bombs, Hitler and all of those wonderfully dark Hades Plutonian energies. With Chiron, the archetype of “the wounded healer” we have a strong appearance of mind/body healing, homeopathy and other divinatory and multidimensional perceptual skills, which are represented within the Chiron archetype.

Time and a bit of hindsight will make things clear, but for now one can’t help noticing that the Goddess of Strife and chaos certainly seems to reflect the state of the world today. We live in a very bloody and chaotic world. Just as Eris was said to take delight in stirring up discord, many of our world leaders seem to be her embodiment.

As Philip Sedgwick recently pointed out, one of the etymological references for Eris is “Things You Know Not Of”. Eris is a trans-plutonian entity!! Very hidden, very deep. Perhaps part of our current chaos is the deep and hidden brewings that need to come into our consciousness now so that we can more creatively and positively work with conflict.

In the Aug/Sept issue of Mountain Astrologer 2006, Maurice Fernandez wrote in his article Crazy Wisdom that "The bottom line for the latter half of 2006 is that anarchy may be necessary; Neptune is such an overwhelming and humbling force that it often paralyzes egocentric control. Since Neptune represents mass effect, collective consciousness, and the forces of nature, it does not leave much scope for power trippers or control freaks...These transits suggest a fantastic opportunity to clear out many obsolete concepts and restrictive approaches...Creation will occur through chaos....”

This is an interesting correlation to Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson’s The Illuminatus! Trilogy where the goddess Eris plays a minor role within the anarchist faction and “good guys”…if I’m remembering correctly. I am going back to read it, but here is a TEXT POPUP for Illuminatus!:
And, behold, thusly was the Law formulated:
Imposition of Order = Escalation of Chaos!
-The Gospel According to Fred

After this (according to Timothy Leary “seminal work”) there came the subsequent Discordia philosophical spin-offs, who worship Eris as their embodiment of anarchy and chaos. A positive manifestation of the Eris Principia Discordia concept might be The Eris Society.

This cloth patch has some connection with NASA, is rare, 3.5 inches in diameter, and clearly intended to be placed on the arm of a uniform. That's all we know….
Astrology and More...: Jupiter Square Eris



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