Thursday, July 23, 2009

J☼y☼us D☼gD☺ys! Hail B☼B! All Hail ♣RIS!!!

Prickle-Prickle, Confusion 58, Year of Our Lady of Discord 3175

5 years ago (Prickle-Prickle, Confusion 58, Year of Our Lady of Discord 3170) :

On this, 23rd July, Robert Anton Wilson Day 2004, the 31st anniversary of Dr Wilson's famed possible telepathic communication with extraterrestrials from the Sirius star-system; or of having his mind fiddled with by the Pookah, the Giant White Rabbit from County Kerry, Ireland, also known as the much belovèd Harvey; or contact with an unknown part of his mind or the Universal Mind of the Universal Being; or contact with his Holy Guardian Angel, or Agathodæmon, Superego, Ally or Id; or a meeting with his Muse; or descent or ascent into High Madness, Illumination, Gnosis; or what you will - as recounted in his much-loved autobiography Cosmic Trigger (Volume One), The Frogweb presents a shrine to what may yet prove to have been the most influential 'alternative culture' book of the last 100 years, the book that spawned a thousand others, and opened many thousands of minds, leaving them on a tightrope between the abyss of madness and the peak of gnosis: The Illuminatus! Trilogy, and the amazing theatrical production to which it gave birth.


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