Monday, November 3, 2008

dreams and free energy machines

Wessel di Wesseli, some words of interest

At the core of Wessel's teachings and beliefs stands the rule of preservation of energy, which he knows to be inconclusive. He believes that 1+1 can be 3 or more. Because we, humans, aren't just numbers you add up, we are more than a simple or even dead equation. On this page you will find concepts based on this principle and artistic machines or mechanical art if you will. You will see references to the perpetuum mobile machines. Although none of these things were ever built (except for small testing parts), he believes them to be more than just a possibility. Often described as a crazy loner Mr. di Wesseli has been relentlessly searching for answers in the field of the perpetuum mobile for more than 45 years, with many eureka moments along the way aswell as failures. So yes to many he must seem like a strange old man with a long white beard brabbeling about definitions of energy while he's enjoying a nice beer at a local café. But what if there's some truth in this apparent fiction? What if this man found a way to mechanically harvest energy? Free energy, lasting energy, world saving energy, wouldn't that be worth spending your life working for? Mr. di Wesseli has always lived at the border of society with virtually nothing to live from, working with whatever he could find, describing his own work as "art de pauvre" or art povera. finding new use for even the most ordinary tossed away materials and objects. And infact thats exactly what he's doing with science today, he's finding new ways to use ancient,respected to some even sacred mathematical laws.

dreams and free energy machines

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YouTube - Wessel Di Wesseli

"bedankt da je leeft!" - [ Perpetuum Mobile van Wessel di Wesseli ]



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