Thursday, January 31, 2008

F'murr(r):Transhumoriste: Transhumance: ListeDeMoutons

Tous attendent le facteur Temps qui apporte le courrier sur un vélo volant à moteur d'avion, vêtu en indien.

F'Murr a particulièrement marqué les années 1970-80, dans Pilote, son graphisme original et son humour tout personnel s'y imposant rapidement. Ainsi, le Génie des Alpages a complètement renouvelé la BD animalière tandis que Jehanne d'Arc revisitait le genre historique. Cet auteur attachant et de caractère creuse son sillon à l'écart des modes.

L'art de F'MURR


Le Transhumoriste, portrait de F'murrr par Yves Frémion

Yves_frmionYves Frémion, conseiller régional, ancien député européen, écologiste, iconologue, zygomaticien, journaliste, éditeur, écrivain, décrit ici par le menu l'univers surréalisticoloufoque du seul auteur de bande dessinée qui se soit jamais intéressé à la transhumance: F'Murrr

Portrait presque chinois d'un monomaniaque amoureux de L'alpe.

Le Génie des Alpages de F'Murrr, la bande dessinée d'humour alpin: Le Transhumoriste, portrait de F'murrr par Yves Frémion


Personnages ovins du Génie des Alpages de F'murrr

  • Romuald (le bélier)

  • Einstein
  • Rostand
  • Marionnette
  • Clopinette
  • Trottinette
  • Trompette
  • Chopinette
  • Minoudrouette
  • Gigolette
  • Moulinette
  • George Sand
  • Claquette
  • Raquette
  • Pompette
  • Centimette
  • La Vilette
  • Japonette
  • Bougainvilette
  • Savonnette
  • Poupounette
  • Rillette
  • Eugénie Grandet
  • Huguette
  • Bambinette
  • Gamelle
  • Armelle
  • Poubelle
  • Rondelle
  • Josélito
  • Pochette
  • Surprisette
  • Honnête
  • Manolette
  • Mandibule
  • Renoncule
  • Houpette
  • Houlette
  • Poulette
  • Boulette
  • Roulette
  • Glavicule
  • Pendule
  • Ridicule
  • Tagule
  • Caramelle
  • Aphodèle
  • Judicaëlle
  • Urielle
  • Samaelle
  • Uratapelle
  • Dardielle
  • Anaelle
  • Michaelle
  • Gabrielle
  • Sataelle
  • Amabielle
  • Mielle
  • Séraphielle
  • Asasielle
  • Sachielle
  • Rachielle
  • Mazielle
  • Chédusitanielle
  • Goscinaelle
  • Masgabrielle
  • Cestielle
  • Halfaltielle
  • Noelle
  • Gargamelle
  • Manivelle
  • Varicelle
  • Lola
  • Rotule
  • Notule
  • Bidule
  • Voitule
  • Gélule
  • Crapule
  • Manipule
  • Catapulle
  • Jules
  • Globule
  • Catulle
  • Canicule
  • Spatule
  • Libellule
  • Tarentule
  • Clavicule
  • Ciboulette
  • Mirette
  • Lisette
  • Anisette
  • Cléopette
  • Goguette
  • Miette
  • Crapouillette
  • La Fayette
  • Collinette
  • Babette
  • Paulette
  • St Thomas d'Aquin
  • Bobinette
  • Chevillette


Brebis_180hLes personnages du Génie des alpages méritent bien une petite étude. Quelques pseudo-scientifiques alpins se penchent pour y trouver origines et allusions multiples : personnages mythiques, jeux de mots, dictionnaire des rimes, déformations, langues étrangères et personnages célèbres se mélangent pour donner ce bestiaire original.

Abécédaire - Trouvez le nom de toutes les brebis du Génie des alpages et leur explication :

Le Génie des Alpages de F'Murrr, la bande dessinée d'humour alpin: Abécédaire, mode d'emploi

Depuis 1991, F'murrr a dessiné les affiches de la Fête de la Transhumance qui a lieu chaque année à Die et dans la Drôme durant la deuxième quinzaine de juillet. (Celles de 2003 et 2004 ne sont pas de F'Murrr)

Un bronze de la célèbre brebis à la valise est maintenant installé devant la mairie, sur la place de Die. C'est elle qu'elle est la star!

Affiches - Fête de la Transhumance Die - F'Murrr


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Tom Bombadil ↨ The Eternal Thing

In one of his letters, Tolkien said, "I don't think Tom needs philosophizing about, and is not improved by it." And, indeed, since the character is so enigmatic, probably 95% or better of the novel's readers invest little or no energy in formulating some definitive conclusion about the "meaning" of Tom Bombadil; and it seems to have absolutely no effect on their enjoyment of either the book or the character. Still, it is probably fair to say that Bombadil represents the Eternal. That is to say: within the context of Middle-earth, ages may come and ages may go; Rings may be forged and entire populations may be annihilated in the struggle to control them, but Tom Bombadil will always Be, and will always be disinterested in those relatively insignificant details (that is to say, insignificant in the grand scheme of things). For Tolkien, such a presence in any story would be important, but especially in one of such seeming darkness as that of the War of the Ring.

Tom Bombadil vs. Peter Jackson --The Lord Of The Rings --Hollywood Jesus


Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Apparently 1 out of 23 people have some kind of synesthesia. It is sometimes, but not always, hereditary. Many synesthetes never realize that their experiences are unusual. Often, synesthetes describe the experience as pleasurable and some use their abilities to enhance their creative production.

Personally, I’m quite pleased to discover that I have a super-power. But there’s a deeper, and more thoroughgoing pleasure that comes from my new, retro-fitted understanding of myself and the way I experience the world. Discovering that I have a neurological phenomenon has somehow relieved me of feeling like I ought to change; and allowed me to simply observe. It may be that I will always experience excruciating emotional pain when I abandon objects along the way; but maybe I just can’t help it because I’m wired that way. And maybe along with that pain comes the ability to occasionally see the invisible.
Wonder as I Wander » My Super-Power


Robert Anton Wilson - Maybe Logic

Bob has left the stage. RAW 1932-2007 dove sta memora.
keep the lasagna flying

Maybe Logic "is" a hilarious and mind-bending journey into the multi-dimensional life of Robert Anton Wilson, author of the Illuminatus! Trilogy. Featuring video spanning 25 years and the best of 100 hours of footage thoroughly tweaked, transmuted and regenerated, Maybe Logic follows the ever-open eye of Pope Bob as he penetrates human illusions exposing the mathematical probabilities and spooky synchronicities of the 8 dimensions of his Universe.

The feature-length documentary features Tom Robbins, RU Sirius, Ivan Stang, Paul Krassner, Valerie Corral and Douglas Rushkoff.

The soundtrack includes music from Boards of Canada, Animals On Wheels, Tarentel, Funki Porcini, The Supplicants, Pullman, Matt Elliott, The Cinematic Orchestra, Ognen Spiroski and Amon Tobin.

Robert Anton Wilson - Maybe Logic

Monday, January 28, 2008

The Sacred Order of O.D.D.

The Sacred Order of O.D.D.

The Sacred Order of O.D.D. is a peaceful organization, aimed at the preservation of the past, and resistance through knowledge. Our particular area of expertise relates to factual material from the Age of the Gods. Contrary to popular rumor, we can safely assure you that there is no Secret Order of O.D.D.

The Order of O.D.D. has no membership roles, no leaders, and no official facilitators. It does however have a really impressive array of titles, and one of the longest greeting protocols known this side of Ganymede. It is comprised of many strong personalities that are able to work together without Babylon-inspired roadblocks such as hierarchy, punctuality, or filing.

All this has been said and done not to recruit or rally members to our cause, but merely to awaken in the general populace the innate knowledge that Babylon is cruel and can be thrown off like any shackles.

Though we humans learn about wars and other various mutilations in school when we are young, are bombarded with violence every day and live in a society that admires Multiverse Inc.�s most self-serving, egotistical and cruel gods, we must not become Babylon, and fight it with weapons of it�s choosing. We are after all scholars, seekers of knowledge and truth, and therefore rather scrawny and not good warriors at all. I personally am a coward and phobic about physical pain.

41. The Empire is the institution, the codification, of derangement; it is insane and imposes its insanity on us by violence, since its nature is a violent one.

42. To fight the Empire is to be infected by its derangements. This is a paradox; whoever defeats a segment of the Empire becomes the Empire; it proliferates like a virus, imposing its form on its enemies. Thereby it becomes its enemies.
- From the Tractares: Cryptica Scriptura of Horselover Fat.

The Sacred Order of O.D.D.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Pastafari Evidence that God = Spaghetti Monster!

Very scientific research with data and facts explains Pastafari, and how it is more real than other religions.

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster


Mother Nature Smiles - Mother Nature Smiles

Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Principia Discordia: the religions holiest texts

by Shawn Landis
The Sacred Chao, (c) The Discordian Society

Discordianism may have been started as a parody religion but the religions holiest texts makes two very important points.

The Principia Discordia: A Humorous Book With Serious Underlying Philosophies

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

i saw the light -><- 'tmuziekdooscollectief

itunes pic

'tmuziekdooscollectief: i saw the light mp3 or podcast

open repetitie @ den hopsack 20.01.2008

het licht wordt gezaagd in schellekes

featuring inneke 23, frank (slö), jef, tIm trIangel, johnny and some audience participation


Dedicated to The Prettiest One
The Upstart of one hand clapping

I wandered so aimless , life filled with sin.
I wouldn't let my dear Saviour in.
Then Jesus came like a stranger in the night .
Praise The Lord , I saw the Light .

I saw the Light , I saw the Light ,
No more darkness , No more night .
Now I'm so happy , no sorrow in sight .
Praise the Lord, I saw the Light .

Just like the blind man, I wandered along ,
Worries and fears , I claimed for my own.
Then like the blind man, that God , gave back his sight .
Praise the Lord, I saw the Light .


I was a fool to wander and stray,
For straight is the gate and narrow the way.
Now I have traded , the wrong for the right .
Praise the Lord , I saw the Light .

Hank Williams, I Saw The Light Tabs, Chords, Lyrics

Light - ER

What lies beyond good and evil. There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so; there is only light and darkness, giver and receiver. Both are needed in equal proportions to maintain the equilibrium of the universe.

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schaaflicht - the blog


"Eris Etext Project"

"Eris Etext Project" - Google Search


Saturday, January 19, 2008

Seeds of chaos

Sowing the seeds of chaos. So much needed chaos, so little time left.


Happiness comes in packages marked 'Batteries Not Included'.

cosmic giggles ♠♫☼↕♦

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